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(more on that in

another journal!)


If you know me, then you know that I have a passion for writing and journaling. Born from a homesickness for everyone back home, this project is an extension of that passion. It also incorporates my passion and developing skills of design. It it very much like a magazine, however it is too personal for such format. This journal is a new way to share me with all of you. Social media is great for sharing images... but here, I would like to share something more.

New issues, or "ventures" (more on that in a future journal), will be released periodically. You will be able to find and explore them here on, by subscribing using the form above, or both! Each version will feature various aspects of my life and my story as it unfolds, spotlights on the people closest to me, thoughts and insights, stories, verses, and a general peak into the life of Jordan Christopher.

more to come,


Download the current issue here
or view it below    
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